Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Im such a hypocrite


well its because i have.......

i have.....

i have...........


loL! i knw i've said inmy last post that i dnt think i'll ever make facebook well i did..

after months of unable to have my usual fun with myspace, i turned to facebook, loL!

and yeah i was surprised how user-friendly it is, and how fast you can find friends here...

so yeah, for my blog readers and my Best Friends (nas, jwa, syikin, sha, kai, ja) do add me there

this is my user name


and im slowly and painfully getting addicted to facebook, loL!

take that myspace! ok no im joking...


Monday, February 15, 2010

effed up beyond compare

I came back to shah alam from perak on bus, thought i was goin to hv the time of my life...

then when i reached home..

Aki, dont unpack we're leaving to Perak tomorow...


so my holiday wasnt spend here but back at my hometown from where i jst came frm a long bus trip...


Sunday, February 7, 2010

new new new

i didnt actually thought people would use other blog network other than blogger, loL! that proved me wrong..

ok so tonight im pretty much stuck in my room..with homeworks...UGH!!!

ok reason for this post is that im thinking of making my blog a lil better, im trying to up my anti

and dont worry i'll still be writing emo stuff and all the other things happening in my life but im thinking of trying something new

notice at the bottom of this post there's a Watcha Think section and notice on the right side there is no longer chat

well the Watcha Think and Comments are going to replace the Chatbox

why well cuz i've been getting random posts of cursing and swearing and i don't think i want that (actually real reason is cuz i don't want my parents to see it...)

anyways, this time im trying out My I.Q (loL! its just a question section i jst named it to make it sound catchy, and it stands for Intelligent Question btw)

now My I.Q is simple i'll ask a question and YOU, yes YOU my loyal blog readers not sure if there's a lot or a lil, practically, i don't mind, anyways YOU will answer by writing a comment and then do rate on Whatcha Think

If you don't hv a blog account its ok, i'll open the commenting for annonymous but write your name on the bottom of your comment like so


so that's it for tonight, LATER THEN!!!


I wont be online for the next few days prolly a week

My I.Q:

What do you think of when i say Mini?

Movie for Free?

hey check out this blog, i really appreciate this blogger cuz if it weren't for him i'd be bored to death, thought not all of his movie's are in good quality but the important one's are

so check it out


i'll put it up on the side as a hyperlink

well later then~

p/s: i jst found out that he has porn in there, but not to worry its just a small fraction of it, and by small i mean like 1/32 loL! fraction much

Friday, February 5, 2010

5 things on me mind

im so behind on current issues! with friends and hollywood!

ok for one: Nas why cnt i get in to your blog, i thought this was jst my broadband acting up bt its been like that for nearly 2 weeks! i thought i already did give you my Email

and 2: do any of you knw Devon Werkheiser? he's best known as Ned in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, well yeah, HE SINGS!!! and he's actually good!

thats on his album, its also on myspace, but the one you should actually listen is when he's live

ok so still not good? still think justin bieber is better? well that's your taste but hear this last song


loL! Ok by now ya'll prolly like, damn man stop being gay, but hell, he's good, if he jst had the right exposure he'll make it to the top he could knock justin bieber off his butt, i mean he's already more famous than him!

alright alright now 3: well 3rd is jst for wrestling fans, Edge returned and won the royal rumble but the gay thing is that WWE changed No Way Out to Elimination Chamber, ugh!

ok on to TNA, ok so the four sided ring controversy maybe over but the fact that they are bringing back a lot of WCW's old guys is effing WRONG!!! and not only that what is Sting doing up in the stands is he jerking off or something?

now 4: I MISS HOME!!! cant wait to get back on CNY really...im dying to get my hands on my PS2 and hang out with THEM!

and 5: LAPTOP!!! i still hv no idea on the progress of my broken laptop, so yeah going back should relief a few of that tension, hopefully..

alright then, thats it for now, Later NYTE!!!