Thursday, February 9, 2012

Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson (Glee Cover)

well actually i should've typed in 2CELLO's cover..since its their arrangement and GLEE jst placed their voices on them..but nevertheless, a great rendition...

if you haven't notice it songs have been ranging from powerful ballads to head bobbing rock to soulful RnB to rythmic Pop, and the thing is a dancer..

crazy can dance to any song! imagine that!! loL! but yes..thats why for me, if my head bobs, or sways, or moves, or even fell to the floor when listening to a song/sound/music, i will listen to it..

its not about mainstream or indies or anything..if i can groove to it then i will keep on listening it..

hahaha, crazy but yes..even rock has a dance, its called head banging and air instruments (i.e air guitar and air drums are the popular ones).

the other thing what i love about music is..somehow..there is always a song for every moment..i mean take Hans Zimmer for example his Mombassa score is fantastic for anger or jst suspense moments to cool down the nerves..

songs have different effect on people, same thing with justin bieber, i dnt hate the kid..its jst he is EVERYWHERE!! i jst got complacent is all..annoyed..loL! but then he comes out with songs like never say never, somebody to love and little drummer those songs..


to feel is to know..


p/s: new background, yes different blog? no..and also do check out, if you dnt already know..